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Donkervoort Ambassador Tour

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Wednesday 9/18/2024
Travel experiences
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The Best of Italy

Start making memories, together. Start Living the Drive. Discover the best of Italy.

Imagine it's September 2024. The sun is shining as you walk to your garage, load your luggage into the trunk, and start your Donkervoort. Alternatively, you might be flying in, with your car waiting at the airport upon your arrival, ready to drive you to the hotel. You are setting off for a real Grand Tour: the annual Donkervoort Ambassador Tour, an exclusive event for Donkervoort owners.

This journey of unprecedented class, atmosphere, and charisma leads you through the enchanting beauty of the Italian landscape. Your path unfolds along the winding hilly roads of Tuscany, through expansive fields and vineyards, past historical villages and iconic places in Emilia Romagna and along the coastal views of the Liguria region.

This event is not just about scenic routes; it also includes stays in incredible hotels, exquisite fine dining, fun activities, and new friendships, even forming lifelong bonds. What an ultimate way to experience the best of Italy. Together.



The Donkervoort Ambassador Tour 2024 is all set to take you on a spectacular journey across Italy. We've got you covered with everything needed to make this trip memorable and comfortable. Expect delicious dinners (who doesn’t like Italian food?), hassle-free luggage handling, and, this year, the widest variety of enjoyable activities! And don't worry about your Donkervoort – regardless of the year it was built, our technical team will be on hand to give your car the attention it deserves, ensuring it's in top condition throughout the tour. Are you up for an adventure?


The best of Italy




Emilia Romagna



Donkervoort Ambassador Tour

[Waiting List]Double equipe

We hope to give you the experience of some unforgettable says and bring together Donkervoort owners from all over the world to enjoy their cars. Will you drive with us?

Included* are:

  • Five nights accommodation, including breakfast

  • Dinner on five days (and lunch on some days)

  • Various activities

  • Donkervoort Full Service & Support (Technical & First Aid)

  • Luggage service

  • Presence of Donkervoort family (member)

* Subject to change

And in addition:

The organisation (routes, route books, rally stickers), goodie bags, parking at hotels, wifi internet connection in hotels (based on availability), etc.

Price does not include drinks outside of the package listed above, petrol, tolls, and all other costs mentioned.

Additional option

Transport of your Donkervoort

Your Donkervoort can be transported from Lelystad, the Netherlands, in our closed Donkervoort Service Truck. Our team will ensure that your Donkervoort is ready for you on arrival and will collect your Donkervoort at the end of the tour for a safe journey back to Lelystad, where your car will be cleaned and checked.

Return Lelystad < Tour > Lelystad : € 2.250
Single Lelystad < Tour : € 1.250
Single Tour > Lelystad : € 1.250

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