Donkervoort Upgrades for All
Tuesday 10/8/2024)
D8 GTO and F22
That is why Donkervoort created its Upgrade Lists for both the D8 GTO evolutions and the F22. If you want to change something about how your Donkervoort looks or feels or think a technical development might help you enjoy Living the Drive even more, you can simply order it from the Upgrade Lists.
This clearly separates Donkervoort from mainstream supercar makers, and it also means you don’t have to sell a car you’ve bonded with just because you’d like a taste of something new or different.
And it even means that cars on the Pre-Owned list can be as customised to your tastes and needs in the exact same way that new cars can.
The Upgrade Lists were borne of customer experiences, requests and desires, and everything on them can be retrofitted to any D8 GTO or F22 to help you to keep Living the Drive, even if your ideas change.
That’s because every Donkervoort is a personalised prototype, and prototypes are upgraded and developed all the time as real-world experience teaches lessons to the owners and developers alike.
We have split the Upgrade Lists into sections, such as Interior Design, Performance, Safety, Electronics, and Exterior and Design.
They include a vast range of upgrades, from paint-protection foils to extra cooling for track days, from a custom indoor car cover to the convenience of a rear-view camera.